Since you’re reading this, and since it’s 2010, it’s safe to say you do at least some form of online advertising and marketing to promote your chiropractic practice. We’re curious as to what the trend in online chiropractic advertising is so we’re collecting data for a future blog series.
If you’d be interested in helping out we’d be grateful! Please take a moment and tell us what kind of online chiropractic marketing works best for you:
Is it Pay per click/impression? Is blogging where it’s at? Is article writing the key to generating new chiropractic patients? Sound off and give us YOUR opinion by taking our poll! Don’t worry, there’s no sign up, no giving out your email address, no catch. Just click, and voice your opinion. If we’ve totally missed the boat and you want us to include something else let us know! We’ll tally the results for a future blog post where we’ll break down the nitty gritty of what YOU say works and what’s a bust.
So take a minute and vote! But hurry because the poll closes 1/15/2010! Thanks for participating and be sure to check back in the future for our discussion of the results and more.
-Dr. James
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