Wow!! As most of you know, we launched a separate site for our Chiropractic press release writing, article writing, and internet and social media marketing services about a month ago:
We are pretty blown away with how quickly things have taken off. Although we’ve always offered these services we’ve never offered them exclusively on a site. Things have gone so well we’ve launched a blog to complement the site. It’s full of free Chiropractic marketing advice, tips, and ideas. If you haven’t checked out the blog you should. Read and follow us over at:
We’ve been very busy handling the increased demands placed on us over at so if it looks like we’ve been neglecting the blog we apologize. Most of us are wearing 15 hats right now instead of the usual 10! We’re getting more help over at and we soon should have enough staff help for everything to run smoothly..well less bumpy anyway! Until next time thanks for reading and keeping healing the world with Chiropractic care!
-Dr. James
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