Chiropractic Blog


Great Site for Ergonomic Chiropractic Seating and Accessories

Posted on August 9th, 2011 by Dr. James

I just recently posted this over at the blog, and thought I’d share it here as well. Recently while shopping for new computer chairs for at home and the offices, I stumbled across a site. . .

Chiropractic Neglect? We’ve Been a Little Busy…

Posted on June 17th, 2010 by Dr. James

We are pretty blown away with how quickly things have taken off. Although we’ve always offered these services we’ve never offered them exclusively on a site. Things have gone so well we’ve launched. . .

We’ve been moved by the terrible tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti. Looking at the horrible images and heroic efforts of everyone involved it’s hard not to be motivated to take action. We decided donating 10% of all our proceeds earned on our chiropractic products sold on Ebay was the easiest, and fastest way for us to get started. So take a look at our chirorpactic art, chiropractic patient education, and other affordable ebay listings and . . .

Now that it’s 2010 it seems the ideal time to think about the future of chiropractic marketing and patient communication. That future is the internet and social media.

Is the internet working FOR or AGAINST you and your chiropractic practice?

Make Time for Goals and Chiropractic Success!

Posted on January 5th, 2010 by Dr. James

So this morning I sat down to check some messages and tweets on Twitter and IT happened: . . . One of those rare 140 character or less tweets that engages you and makes you think. (Sometimes they are few and far between).  A friend, @UnlimitedLeads, posed a great question: What are my three biggest goals for 2010? […]

Memorable Chiropractic Practice Names: Fun and Effective

Posted on January 4th, 2010 by Dr. James

As we roll into the start of 2010 is it time to think about rebranding yourself and even renaming your chiropractic practice? Have a favorite unique name for a chiropractic practice? Tell us about it!

We want your opinion! What form of chiropractic marketing and advertising generates the most new chiropractic patients for your practice?

Our Newest Home For Chiropractic Blogging!

Posted on December 31st, 2009 by Dr. James

We’re FINALLY on WordPress. has a new home for chiropractic blogging!


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