Chiropractic Blog

We're giving to help the American Red Cross Help those in Haiti and in other areas of need.

We're members of the Chiropractic profession hoping to turn a small gesture into a big impact.

We’ve been moved by the terrible tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti. Looking at the horrible images and heroic efforts of everyone involved it’s hard not to be motivated to take action.  Times like these put our own trivial troubles and problems in perspective. Jumping on a plane and helping out isn’t an option (and isn’t even advised by officials at this point) so we wanted to come up with a way to do a small part to help out with this, and any other crisis.

Donating to the American Red Cross seemed like the obvious first step. We decided donating a percentage of all our proceeds made on Ebay was the easiest, and fastest way for us to get started. With just a few clicks we were able to arrange to donate 10% of all of our proceeds made on Chiropractic products sold on ebay to the American Red Cross.

Why the American Red Cross?

 Obviously they are one of the most most recognized charitable organizations around. Charity scams and con artists are everywhere waiting to take advantage of a public with good intentions. We feel comfortable donating to the Red Cross and know you will too. In addition, donating to the Red Cross allows your funds to be directed where they are most needed, whether it be in Haiti or  another crisis relief effort.

So to make a long story short, if you have a need or desire to stock up chiropractic patient education, chiropractic art, or our other products now is the time! We are donating 10% of all proceeds from our current chiropractic ebay listings. Some examples include:
Chiropractic art: hand painted chiropractic spine paintings
Chiropractic Patient Education PowerPoint Presentations
Chiropractic Patient Education DVDs
Spinal Decompression Marketing Kits
Spinal Decompression PowerPoint Presentations and DVDs
Chiropractic Marketing
Chiropractic Outcomes Assessment Resource Kits
Cold Laser Marketing and Patient Education
Cold Laser PowerPoint presentations
Cold Laser Waiting Room DVDs
And More!
So check out all of our ebay chiropractic product listings and see for yourself.

Even if you don’t purchase from us, I encourage you to donate what you can at the American Red Cross homepage or with another organization.  If we all can contribute even $5.00 to $10.00 we can have a significant impact!

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