Chiropractic Blog


A few months back I had the great left sacro-iliac pain pandemic of 2009. For some unknown reason everyone had sacro-iliac joint pain….but not JUST left SIJ pain. Oh no. That wouldn’t have been strange enough. To make the universe even more mysterious, this was the great localized LEFT-UPPER sacro-iliac joint pain pandemic of 2009.

There has to be more going on here but I can’t figure it out! Nor can I afford to hire the staff of HOUSE M.D. to come figure it out for me. For the sake of my sanity, and to avoid stumbling into conspiracy theory land, I give up!

Instead I’m seizing this opportunity to coin what I believe is a new phrase and a new concept in chiropractic:
“symptom trending.”

Now that I’ve invented this hot new concept all I have to do is convince every Chiropractor on Twitter to start tweeting symptom hashtags. You know, things like: . . .


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