We hate to toot our own horn too much around here but we just received our 300th feedback rating on ebay! That’s right, 300 transactions have been rated by the customer and all with 100% positive feedback! You can see our ebay feedback ratings here. While it may not be exciting news to you, it’s a mini-milestone for us! After all, it’s hard enough to get busy Doctors of Chiropractic to leave feedback on ebay in the first place!
It just demonstrates we go out of our way to produce quality products with affordable prices and a strong focus on customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves on same/next day shipping on non-customized products. When it comes to honesty, customer satisfaction, and reliability we deliver! We truly are dedicated to serving our profession and it’s so great to have our valued customers recognize us for our customer service and great performance! Our customers are the reason we’ve been rated an ebay PowerSeller and Top Rated Seller for the third month in a row. Thanks to each and every one of you!
If you haven’t checked us out on ebay now is the pefect time. We’re still donating 10% of all our chiropractic proceeds on ebay to the American Red Cross. So stop by and check out our current ebay listings. You’ll save some money and help the Red Cross in their disaster relief efforts in Haiti and other areas!
Of course, if you aren’t an ebay customer we appreciate you too! Don’t feel left out. 😉 You can help support us by leaving positive feedback and testimonials via blog comment or email.
Comment By: Reece Khan
October 11th, 2010 at 3:06 am
my sister is an ebay powerseller and i envy the amount of money she makes in one year~`~
Comment By: Rust Paint
December 13th, 2010 at 12:16 am
i would love to be an ebay powerseller but it takes a lot of work to become one. you need also to have lots of good feedback ~`-