Chiropractic Blog


Chiropractic Patient Education: Is FREE affordable enough?

Posted on March 9th, 2010 by Dr. James

Today a customer interested in one of our chiropractic patient education PowerPoint presentations emailed with a great question.
“Do I need the PowerPoint program to use your PowerPoints?”

There is a near perfect alternative to all of Microsoft’s Office programs called The best part?’s suite of programs is absolutely FREE!

Between our affordable chiropractic PowerPoint presentations and you have one less excuse for not educating your chiropractic patients!

So head on over to and . . .

Hundreds of Happy Chiropractic Ebay Customers!

Posted on February 2nd, 2010 by Dr. James

We hate to toot our own horn too much around here, but we just received our 300th feedback rating on ebay! That’s right, 300 transactions have been rated by the customer and all with 100% positive feedback! While it may not be exciting news to you, it’s a mini-milestone for us! After all, it’s hard enough to get busy Doctors of Chiropractic to leave . . .


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