Chiropractic Blog


Our newest Chiropractic poster offering has just received an award! Our new poster, entitled “Lumbar Vertebrae Funk”, received the Zazzle Top 10 Poster Views Award for June 28, 2010. This is an award recognizing the poster as one of the most popular and most viewed posters on the site for that day.

A well written press release can be invaluable to your Chiropractic practice marketing efforts. Aside from a website or blog, few chiropractic marketing tactics can bring as much potential benefit to your chiropractic practice.

Hundreds of Happy Chiropractic Ebay Customers!

Posted on February 2nd, 2010 by Dr. James

We hate to toot our own horn too much around here, but we just received our 300th feedback rating on ebay! That’s right, 300 transactions have been rated by the customer and all with 100% positive feedback! While it may not be exciting news to you, it’s a mini-milestone for us! After all, it’s hard enough to get busy Doctors of Chiropractic to leave . . .


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